It's Day Two of the A to Z Blogfest and Jessica Bell and I are going strong. See, we teamed up for this adventure with the hopes of stretching our writing muscles. Be sure to follow the link at the bottom of this post to her blog.
Here's the deal: We have created a top secret list of A-Z prompt words to inspire our blogfest entries. The words are all nouns, and they are all emotions. We challenged ourselves to come up fictional entries that 'show' a character(s) in the grips of the emotion of the day. We ask you, awesome reader, to read my entry (since you're here) and guess, in the comments, what emotion I've depicted. Then shoot over and read Jessica's entry. Still think you've guessed correctly? Let her know! (And natch, if you happen upon her blog first, in future, won't you shoot over here after you comment there? :D)
So, without further ado, here's my 'B' entry. What 'B' emotion have I described??
Jenna stared into the deep, inky pools of Cliff’s eyes. Had it just been two hours ago that she’d felt lost in them? The urge to glance at her wristwatch (again) and verify the time was strong, but she resisted. Instead, she forced her eyes wider, just a tab more, and redirected her focus to the tiny mole just northeast of the bridge of his chiseled nose. In her peripheral vision, a waiter in black and white passed with a tray of steaks, sizzling on cast iron plates. The smell taunted her famished stomach. Cliff was still talking, his words mingling with the restaurant’s din. She admitted he was the most handsome blind date she’d ever gone out with, hands down. But he’d turned out to be all looks. His conversation dominated the evening, his baritone voice a constant drone of self-proclaimed accolades that left her wishing she carried a pistol in her purse. The question was, who would she aim it at first? Cliff? Her own temple? She narrowed her eyes. No...she'd take a shot at Sara, her soon-to-be ex-friend who’d set her up in the first place.
Figured out what emotion that starts with 'B' I described? I can't wait to read your comment :)) And, to read Jessica's 'B' entry, click THIS LINK. See you over there!
I Never Thought I'd See the Day
13 hours ago
Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers
Her soon to be ex friend! Love it. Hmmm, bored?
Without looking at the others, I first thought of bored!
Oh so sleepy this morning. I can't guess. Great passage though :)
:) Great fun.
hahaha! This was such a great entry! And so creative! Nice one!
Bored and bothered. :)
My guess is bored!
Everyone over at Jessica's guessed bored, has to be. Though you disguised it well :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I first thought "bored"..then came with the classic question : can a bored feeling be interpreted as emotion? ;)
This is awesome. Been there with guys like Cliff and I've wanted to stick a fork in my eye. Boredom for sure.
That plaid B you've posted in your blog is like the cutest B ever!
I think bored :-)
Great entry. Very creative.
Skipped down without glancing at other. I would say--boredom.
Nice way to set the scene and the emotion, Nicole.
I'm guessing bored. Love this scene.=)
bored???? Cool idea. :-)
Bored and a half. I mean she's talking about destruction here. You have to be super-bored to entertain that thought. Great piece. I love it.
I'd say my guess, but everyone on both blogs already had it.
I'll be curious to see what emotion you come up with for the letter "X"
I'd have to say zzz, Bored, he is a snooze fest of fun~ Keep the writing up...intriguing! He is bland; She is
Poor woman - she has reached the bottom of bored and still hadn't levelled out ;)
I think everyone's on the right track. Love your plaid 'B'.
If you need an idea for M, I'm hosting a blogaversary blogfest on the 15th to celebrate my 1st year of blogging. It's all about the letter M so it would count. Would love you to join in.
I thought bored too.
Great idea for posts for the A-Z. Mine will be so random.
I guessed from Jessica's - Boredom!
The word is "boredom"
Boredom. Very clever.
This reminds me of a date I had a while ago...except not that good looking lol. Boredom!!!
Watching grass grow is often more exciting than some relationships, has to be "bored" definitely not "bewitched bothered or bewildered"
Stop by my post if you have a moment.
Now I'm off to comment on the linked post.
I guessed boredom over at Jessica's blog. This take is also great.
I'm thinking it's boredom but I wish I could think of another word that starts with B. No, I'm not even a little bit competitive.
I instantly thought "bored". Love the post.
Boredom it is, and a very clever theme and team effort for the A-Z Challenge! Great job you two!
~Josie Two Shoes~
Two Shoes In Texas
Monday Memories
Write A Letter Wednesday
Words In Motion
Great post ... boredom?! Happy B-day. I'm a new follower from the A-Z Challenge - nice to meet you! :)
Disappointed that he isn't more than a pretty face.
Edge of Your Seat Romance
Bored for sure! Poor girl! :P
hahaha this is great - Boredom
I'm going with bored too. Happy hopping. Waves
Bored stiff. But not by your post - really enjoyed that.
A Piece of My Mind
Bore for sure. But the story wasn't!
I love the way you so wonderfully describe boredom without ever using the word. It's a vibrant piece that isn't at all boring and yet there's no interaction, no dialog - just inside the head stuff - and you rocked it! Well done!
Can't possibly be 'bored'. The passage sounds too critical for that. I think the answer is 'betrayed'. Betrayed by her best friend due to suggesting Cliff to her.
Duncan In Kuantan
Haha! Very creative! Love your writing... and I'll guess bored as well. :)
Visiting from the A-Z Challenge. I'm going with bored, too.
Come visit when you can at: (A-Z)
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