I was up yesterday morning before the sun rose, before the children woke, while the house was dark and quiet. I wanted to log onto the Web for just a little while, to view some holiday pictures on friends' sites, work on a guest blog post I'm doing on January 4th (more about that to come), and just enjoy the sound of my fingers tapping the keys. Imagine my dismay/dread/pout/frustration when my hard drive power button didn't respond to a push.
No dull whirl of unseen, internal components, no blinking green lights, nothing.
I checked the connections. All good. I checked the monitor, modem, printer. Everything seemed to function, except the hard drive.
Basically, I had a comatose machine, in a vegetative state. A headless, metal corpse.
Braced to hear the worst case scenario, I took the drive to Best Buy. It felt like Christmas all over again when the Geek told me the power box was blown -- just a $60 part -- which he would replace in-store for $50 more. Three hours later the ordeal was over.
Yesterday revealed an unexpected realization: I don't want to go back to life without my computer! Let's face it. A writer doesn't need more than her hand, a pen or pencil, and a sheet of paper to compose. And it's more than enjoying the online experience. Simply put, I have come to rely on my online network of friends and family.
I love reading what you've aspired to, attempted, and accomplished. I'm inspired by your perceptions. I feed off your energy. Yeah, I can pick up a telephone and call some of you. (And I do!) But the Internet brings so many more of you right to me, right into my life.
I love it. And there's just no going back.
So thank you, for every word on your blog, every status update, every tweet. I don't know what I'd do without you!
And, let's all decide right now to back up our flippin' files -- 'cause if my hard drive can pass away quietly in the night, so can yours!
Happy Tuesday!
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago