Saturday, April 9, 2011

'H' is for...?

Yesterday's 'G' word was tough, but a couple people guessed right.  It was 'giddiness'!

Guess which 'H' emotion/feeling/state of mind I've depicted today in the short fictional passage below.  Jessica Bell is using the same prompt word for a passage of her own.  After guessing in the comments here, won't you follow the link and read Jess's entry?

Here goes:

Marnie pushed the start button on the microwave timer.
She kept her gaze on the changing numbers, forcing her eyes not to drift towards the stick, lying on the table on a single sheet of paper towels.  She’d been waiting fourteen months.  It was a long time to wait.  But nothing felt longer than these last three minutes. 
She and Chad had begun trying on their wedding night.  They kept it no secret, confiding in anyone who would listen.  Friends and family asked every time they saw them.  And it had gotten more and more painful to keep saying, ‘No, nothing yet.’
Marnie wrung her hands until they nested all by themselves into a prayful clasp.  Please, God…I know it’s wrong to ask.  I know I must accept your will.  But if you let it be, if you just let it be…please let it be
The morning of their first wedding anniversary, her temperature had peaked and then dropped off.  Conditions were perfect, and they took full advantage.  But being it was their anniversary, they’d forgotten about the thermometer and the ovulation charts on the bedside table and had gotten blissfully lost in their love.  Three weeks later, Marnie got her period.
Look, if it isn’t meant to be, it isn’t meant to be.  Think of all the unwanted children born into the world every day.  There is more than one path that leads to parenthood. You’re young.  You have your whole life…
The glowing numbers swam, ran together, and Marnie blinked rapidly.  Oh, to feel a baby move inside her, to waddle beneath the weight of a gloriously swollen belly, to face the fear and pain of delivery, all to see born a perfect product of her and Chad’s love.  It was the last chance to see their genes mixed, their blood mingled, for Chad’s legacy to live on.
Marnie closed her eyes tight.  She wished Chad were here.  He would have been so supportive.  Tears leaked from squeezed lids, spilled down her cheeks.  “Please,” she whispered.


So, what emotion/etc. have I depicted here?  I look forward to your comments!  And please shoot over to my writing partner, Jessica's blog, and see what her creative mind came up for our 'H' word!



Jessica Bell said...

Wow! What a moving entry, Nicole!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Very moving, Nicole.

Only one word suits this situation. HOPE.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

This was a delightful expression of hope.

P.S. I'm in the Atlanta area, too. Gwinnett county.

Catherine Denton said...

Hopeful? (I hopped over from Jessica's blog)
My Blog

Wendy@FabNouveau said...

heartbroken? A-Z
That bleep bleep bleep sounds ominous

Sherri Lackey said...

Hope! That was very moving!

Allison said...

I was thinking "Heartbroken" like Wendy until I saw where the story cut off... I'll say hope, with a great deal of anxiety!

PS This is my first time commenting, but I LOVE the idea you guys have for this challenge! I might have to try it next year. Very creative.

- allison writes

Luanne G. Smith said...

Oh, yes, hope. And, wow, I can remember that moment in my own life so vividly, waiting to see what the stick read. Good one.

Jaydee Morgan said...

I'm guessing like most of the rest - hope/hopeful.

Susan Kane said...

Oh, oh. How I read that blog, with such anticipation, such hope. I want an ending, a good ending.
Thanks for an excellent posting.

Sophia said...

She's pregnant, right? You wouldn't leave Marnie hanging like that.
- Sophia.

DiscConnected said...

I guessed hopeful at first, but I usually tend to think of hopeful as a happier state of mind.

Yesterday was tough-your post had me thinking giddy all the way, but I couldn't get that from Jessica's.

This was a very clever idea the two of you cooked up...


Marjorie said...

I'm guessing hope, but we'll see when I read Jessica's in a few minutes.

Laura S. said...

My guess is hopeful!

Unknown said...

Happiness? :-)

Love your blog, and it's ver nice to meet you!


Erin Kane Spock said...

I've been there.

Ju Dimello said...

I'm confused a bit ;) One side with the seconds ticking by, I would have thought the emotion had something to do with time... but hopefully, it could be "Hope" or "happiness" ;)

Unknown said...


Cat Lavoie said...

What a moving story! I want to read the rest! What happened to Chad? I say hope as well! :)

Unknown said...

Very moving. I wanted to be with her holding her hand. I think this one is all about hope.

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Wow. Nice framing with the microwave timer! I'm guessing hope.

Langley Cornwell said...

Beautiful! It's got to be hope.

I’m A-Z Blogging on Langley Writes about Writing and Langley’s Rich and Random Life

Denise Covey said...

I'll go with the flow, HOPE, as I'm HOPELESS with this guesswork. Beautiful descriptions BTW.


L'Aussie Travel A - Z Challenge

Louise said...

What a moving story of hope (it is hope right? :) What did the test say? I hope it was positive :)