Friday, April 8, 2011

'G' is for...?

Welcome to 'G' Day at my blog! Those who have visited during the A-Z Blogfest know that Jessica Bell and I are writing partners.  Before the fest began, we generated a list of 26 words -- nouns the are emotions/feelings/states of mind.  Each day we work from the same prompt word, and write fictional paragraphs with characters who 'show' the emotion/etc.  My 'G' entry is below.  After you read it, guess in the comments what emotion/etc. I've depicted.  Then follow the link to Jessica's blog and read her entry!

(Btw, yesterday's word was 'Frustration.' J)

Without further ado, here is my offering of the day:

Franklin pressed his stubbled cheek against the upstairs front bedroom windowpane, like he used to do when he was a kid and wanted to see farther up the street than normal view allowed.  The sun was right overhead but the mailman was still out of sight.  He skipped to the computer desk where the package routing screen confirmed delivery was today at noon.  He refreshed the page, but the info didn’t change.  A grin cracked his face and his stomach did another airy flip.

He wandered to the mirror.  First, he struck a regal pose; one Mr. Albert Einstein might have struck for a photographer.  Then he hunched his shoulders, bringing his hands in front and curling his fingers like claws.  He snickered like a mad scientist, and the crazed look in his eyes was so convincing he broke out into his normal, jovial laughter.

Down on the street, the shrill sound of brakes sounded.  Franklin brought his watch to his face.  Twelve-oh-two!  He ran out the bedroom door with the vigor of a child, grinning from ear to ear.  If he’d have dared, he’d have ridden the banister to the foyer.  Down the steps he raced, excitement tickling him from the inside out, heart pounding.  He reached for the knob just as the doorbell sounded.

Any guesses?  Looking forward to your comments!  And here's a link to Jessica's 'G' post!

Thanks for reading!!



Jessica Bell said...

ha! LOVE your entry! Nice job. We're gonna give our vistors a hard time today. This one is quite difficult! :o) Mwahahahaha!

Laura S. said...

This is tough today... gaga? The noun, not the lady musician, haha (though her name does describe her many crazy antics and costumes, lol).

Stina said...

Well Glad is too obvious so I won't go with that one. With means I'm stuck!!!!!

Creepy Query Girl said...

I'm thinkin' 'Giddy'??

Matthew MacNish said...

I'm going with Gangster, because this little scientist is obviously waiting for his chemistry set to arrive, and that's Gangster.

Jaydee Morgan said...

Yep, I'm stumped. Will think of it more over coffee :)

Jules said...

You guys did us in today and like Jaydee said I need more coffee :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Michael Di Gesu said...

This is a good one Nicole. I'm not sure. Giddiness is the only thing that comes to mind.

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

Anticipation! of course. Been there!

Tiger85 said...

Your a really great writer and this one is, well hard. I was thinking something like guts but I'm not sure. =)

Linda G. said...


Enbrethiliel said...


I'm going for giddy!

(Ah, I see Linda G beat me to it. =P)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Gusto - I know it's outdated but it's all I could think of.

Marjorie said...

Giddiness? That's the only thing I can think of.

Hannah said...

hmmm, glee??

Erin M. Hartshorn said...

Giddy! I have to admit, it was your post that led me that way, and I had to go double-check that a definition would fit Jessica's post as well.

Erin's blog

Donna K. Weaver said...


DiscConnected said...

Giddy or glee

LTM said...

yeah, OK. It's either giddy or gaga. I'm wondering if you guys are going pop on us~ :D <3

fun stuff!

Unknown said...

Though difficult, I've been loving the stories.

Robyn Campbell said...

*Head bang*

I forget what I told Jessica. It has been a rough day. Feeling sorry for me yet? I'z tired. Does that count?

I'm going to say gay? I mean happy. Yanno? Gaiety?

I'll kick myself in the morning, won't I? :-)

Talli Roland said...

Oh yes, giddiness! I was stumped for a bit, then read the comments. Great G!