Monday, December 20, 2010

The Dreaded Form Letter

With half the family battling the flu, my Christmas present shopping excursions came to a screeching halt last week.  From my sick bed -- or sick couch, to be more exact -- I did what I could to keep the preparations moving forward.  Basically, all this meant was listing the few things I still need to purchase and sending out the holiday cards.

Last year, despite the fact that I generally don't like them, I wrote my first form letter recapping the year, to include with Christmas cards going to out-of-state family members.  I figured since I'm a writer, I should write something more creative than "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" on the cards, although there's nothing wrong with that simple and elegant greeting.

The year before, I slipped an original short story into a couple cards.  The story was fictional, but the characters were heavily based on me and my grandmother, and the plot taken from what I know about her childhood.  The few family members I sent it to really seemed to like it, and that warm feedback spurred the idea to write something new each year.

I tackled last year's letter like an exercise in creative nonfiction -- in a first person story format, rather than narrative essay format.  I tried not to indulge in accolades for what we considered outstanding accomplishments, but which would surely have bored the rest of the family to death.  And I sprinkled sensory descriptions and (attempted) humor throughout.  I was happy with the way the letter turned out, and I heard back from several aunts, uncles, and cousins who enjoyed it very much.

This year's letter was a little different.  I chose "family" as the theme, and rather than talk about the kids making honor roll or my husband's successes at work, I talked about the times I spent in 2010 with out-of-state family members.  I was fortunate enough to travel between Georgia and New York, where my family is based, five different times this year.  Plus, we spent a month with Christian's family this summer in France.  I enjoyed sharing my memories of those trips and the profound impact reconnecting with my family has made on me.  I hope those that receive the letter enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Do you write a year-in-review form letter at this time of year?  Do you like receiving them, or cringe every time one falls out of the card you're opening?  I've been (...or still am, perhaps) on both sides of this fence.  What's your take on them?

And...if you're at all interested, here is the link to the short story I included in some of my 2008 Christmas cards.  It's very short, perhaps 1000 words.  It's called A Little Drummer Boy.  Enjoy!


Vicki Rocho said...

I was writing my review letter last night. If I were going to write a personalized note to everyone, I'd need to start the cards in July! I like the idea of a story though.

Jennifer Shirk said...

I'm iffy on them. Some people can really write a book with them. :)
I wrote one once because I actually had something to say at the time. LOL (Hubby began surfing lessons at age 40, I became published, etc..)
This year I didn't. (Nothing to say and no time)
I do enjoy reading them, if they're interesting or if they're from people who live far away. It's a nice to way to catch up and hear what's going on.
Your theme sounds really nice and interesting. I bet your friends will enjoy reading it.
Hope you all feel better!!

Mara McBain said...

I don't write them, however as a reader it depends on the tone of the letter. If the letter reads like a list of accomplishments it can seem like they are bragging about their wonderful life and make a person less fortunate feel bad during a time of year they should be uplifted.

It sounds like your letter will be fun and I am sure your family will love hearing from you!

Lola Sharp said...

I'm sorry y'all have been sick. *pouts*

I got your card...thank you. :) *hugs*

I do not write year in review letters, and I'm VERY iffy (weighing heavily on the NO! side) on reading them. They are usually long and a list of poorly written bragging (or woes me'). I do have one cousin who writes a good one which I look forward to. It's always funny, short, includes thumbnail pictures, and a quirky take on the small slices of humorous life.

Merry Christmas, Nic!

Matthew MacNish said...

What a cool idea! I don't do Christmas cards, but if I did I would totally put some creative writing in them.

Glynis Peters said...

I receive a letter from two cousins every year. Each time I vow I will do the same next year. I never do! Well done for being so productive. How lovely.

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year to you and yours. x

DL Hammons said...

I used to write one...utilizing heavy doses of humor throughout...but I didn't do one last year and I'm iffy about this year. Just can't seem to get motivated for it. Aside from our son graduating college and landing a nice job, there wasn't what I would call major events to speak of. Now the year I get published, I can guarantee there will be a letter that year!!

Glad to hear you're feeling better! :)

LTM said...

You know, I've never done that... I do send picture cards that have pix from throughout the year. That's kind of the same.

I have a friend who sends a form letter, but she's so dang funny that it's actually OK... I bet yours is great~

Merry Christmas! Sorry you guys are ill. :o\

Anonymous said...

We're lucky if we get cards out the door at all. *shifty*

But I'm a guy. I'm not expected to be good at that kind of thing. And you know how I hate to defy expectations.... :)

Joyeux Noel, bonne dame!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My wife wrote a letter this year. I don't mind the update letters, as sometimes that's the only opportunity to catch up on friends and family's lives.

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

What a GREAT idea!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I've never received them or sent them so I really have no opinion on the matter. I just like feeling remembered at the holidays, in whatever form it may take. :)

Pat Tillett said...

Hope you feel better soon. My wife is in the same boat and I'm about to be sent out to finish her shopping! Of course, I've been done for month. So, I'm off to the mall, then the grocery and Costco!
Oh the Horror, the horror...

Wendy Ramer, Author said...

The few letters I receive bore the heck out of me, and you're right...they sound like personal pats on the back. Your idea, however, sounds fascinating and more interesting since the readers don't get just a run-down of your year but rather a story that pertains to them. Good for you :-)

James Garcia Jr said...

So sorry to hear that your family has been fighting colds. I just got over my allergies. It sounds like nothing, but even you would have wanted to slap me with all of the clearing-throat-with-no-success noise I was making. Being ill during the holidays is particularly troubling. One year I had Bronchitis for Christmas. I had wanted my first dvd player that year, but on that morning, shaking with fever beneath so many clothes and a huge blanket, I really didn't care.
I hope the family gets well real soon.

Kathleen said...

So glad to find you and your blog!!

To answer your Christmas letters OR form letters for us this year. We just moved to CT, so too hectic! I feel the form letter has lost a bit of its lustre these days where friends and family keep up with us through FB. I've always sent them in the past, though, so perhaps I will resurrect the dreaded form letter when I have my act together more! :)

CONGRATS on all of your writing accomplishments!!

Susan Fields said...

I really enjoy the letters I get with Christmas cards - it's great to hear what family and friends we don't get to see often have been up to. I keep thinking I need to start doing that myself, but so far I haven't worked up the motivation.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Adriana Noir said...

If your form letters are anything like your personality, I'm sure they are a joy to read! Unfortunately, most people aren't as warm and uplifting as you and as a general rule, I shudder at the whole "year in review" concept. I guess it all depends on the source and the way its written! *hugs to you and yours* I hope you all get to feeling better soon!

Luna said...

I've received only a few update letters in the past ten years, so I don't mind them. But I have never written my own. I just do the usual card thing and sometimes add a picture for certain family members.

I loved your story, Nicole! It made me think of my Gramma. We visit her every year on Christmas. She's always making sure we have plenty to eat!

Hope you all are feeling better soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

notesfromnadir said...

Interesting concept. Something I haven't done. If so, I'd just do a list of titles. Too busy w/ current projects.

Hope you & your family have a Merry Christmas & Happy 2011! :)