Wednesday, November 9, 2011

...a VLOG? Oh no, no, no, no!

Yesterday I interviewed the multi-talented Jessica Bell right here on the blog.  If you missed it, I urge you to skip the nonsense to follow, and click this link to go directly to it, instead.  

Seriously, if you read on from this point, you won't come away nearly as educated and enlightened as you would had you read about Jessica.

You still here?  Okay, but just remember, you've been warned.

The thing is, yesterday was a terrible writing day.  I blame it on my dentist.  Honestly, after a 9 a.m. teeth-cleaning, who can relax and settle into to a productive 3k+ writing session?  Yeah, you probably could.  But me?  I'm a big baby when it comes to sitting in that dentist's chair.  That's why I couldn't concentrate on my WiP, and why I ended up doing THIS, instead:


Yep, hopefully today will go better than yesterday.  'Cause seriously, the last thing the world needs is more of this in it!

Thanks for indulging me, lol!



Jessica Bell said...

Oh my GOD!!! Hahahhaa. Nicole, I'm pissing my pants laughing. Love the little contrary notes you wrote on the bottom. And hey, maybe you have got a gift at film making??? LOLOLOL

Elliot Grace said...

...funny stuff, Nicole! I'm betting that you'll fare much better today ;)


Creepy Query Girl said...

LOL- I definitely use a couple of those techniques. Especially the reading and the coffee drinking. I'm only at 4k and I'm thinking of trashing those. I will not, I'm afraid, be winning Nano this year:)

Summer Frey said...

LOVE IT! Especially Lily's cameo. I think this was a worthy test run of the new laptop's camera (I'm assuming?)!

Shannon said...

Oh man, Nicole. You're awesome. That's all! Love this. <3

Charity Bradford said...

LOL, that was great! You do have movie skilz.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

What fun! I hear you. I can procrastinate along with the best of 'em. But then something odd happens and one morning I can wake up and pow, and idea strikes and I HAVE to write, which fuels more writing and more writing and pretty soon I'm lost in the story. Right now I'm waiting for the "one morning" to come along. Think I'll go play with the dog. :)

DL Hammons said...

Like an idiot I kept waving at the screen..."'s me...DL!!!!" :)

I LOVED this! A Vlog natural!

Now get back to writing! *stern look*

LTM said...

Hey! Look at you!!! I love these vlogs. It's so fun to see everybody for real. And I love your kitty. Mine's only affectionate when I'm writing (or trying to sleep), too.

cats. :D ((hugs))

Lola Sharp said...

You're so cute...and so is your kitty. She's all grown up.
Oh, I had a slow going start, full of Advanced Procrastinating Techniques (but no videos/vlogging....yet), too. But I'm on a roll now, finally.
Of course, you may find me sorting my shoes in a ROYGBIV line-up sometime around chapters 15-16...somewhere around there I usually have myself backed into some plot hole and commence the avoidance of the WIP.

I hope you have a 5k day tomorrow, Nic!

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss nicole! wow! cool video! im just happy someone else is as bad at putting stuff off as me. i got a zillion things that get in the way of doing what im supposed to do. mostly mines computer games and tv. for sure brushing my teeth isnt one of them. ack! ha ha.
...hugs from lenny

Shelley Sly said...

Nicole, you are so cute and so funny! I loved this. I say you should do more Vlogs. Seriously. ;) Anyway, hope you've been able to get some more writing done!

Nick Wilford said...

I have a three-year-old at home all day, so I should value the time I do get to write, but still manage to procrastinate! Usually by reading/blogging. Very funny vid - don't consider it time wasted because you gave so many people a good giggle!