Sunday, November 13, 2011

Testing, testing

So, I’m trying out the Windows Live Writer software on my new laptop. Apparently I can create blog post here and upload them to Blogger.  Pretty cool, if I can get it to work.

If it works, I can use all kinds of funky fonts while writing my posts.

This would be a good thing, since I’m one of those crazy creatives who hates a constricted list of choices why she’s feeling, well, creative.  Open-mouthed smile  <—What?? Emoticons, too?  Yay! Thumbs up

Okay, going to see what this looks like on my blog.  No need to comment, should you happen across this.  Unless you use Windows Live Writer for your blog posts.  In which case I’d love to hear what you think of it.



James Garcia Jr said...

Wow! You'll have to explain this new software should you like it. I'd love to be able to be more creative.
Anyway, I'm commenting because I'm trying to catch up on my blogging.
So good to see you. Have a great day!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I don't use it but felt like commenting anyway.

Kittie Howard said...

A power surge fried my HP's motherboard, so now I have an Apple I'm trying to figure out. But thought I'd comment and say HI!

DL Hammons said...

Never heard of that software. Hmmmmmm. Looks cool. :)

Denise Covey said...

Yeah, i'm like Alex, I came by to say hello so I've never used this software either. Good luck with it. I get so bored with blogger fonts but when I try something artsy someone always comments negatively that they can't read it clearly, lol.

I hit 18,000 NaNo words yesterday, all bits and pieces, scenes rather than chapters, but I actually locked myself over at the library and wrote 8,000+ words. I don't feel like it's slipping away now.

Checked out your vlog. Can't imagine doing that! Good for you!

Now off to pen a few more vwords!


Romance Reader said...

Never heard of that software. Looks cool. And I dropped by to say 'hi' so I commented anyway!

Vicki Rocho said...

Jealous! I tried downloading Windows Live awhile back but for whatever reason it would not install on my laptop. :(