Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Goals, and a GREAT article on lit. mags

Two writer goals I set for myself in January 2011 were:  Publish a short story in a literary magazine; and, Sell a short story.  I'm working toward other goals too, but this afternoon I want to focus on the two above.

To accomplish the goal of publishing in a literary magazine, I organized myself in a couple areas.  First, I created an account at Duotrope.com.  For those who aren't familiar, Duotrope is "an award-winning, free writers' resource listing over 3550 current Fiction and Poetry publications." (Text borrowed from website.)  This is my Submission Central, where I learn of markets open for query and where I track my submissions.

Using Duotrope's tools, I determined what literary magazines represent my A-List Markets -- in other words, where I'd most like to see my work accepted.  I won't lie; the magazines and reviews on this list are all ranked by Duotrope as the "Most Challenging Fiction Markets," with an average acceptance rate of only 0.51%.  Hey, what can I say?  I aim high.

I also have a B-List and a C-List of literary markets I'm interested in.  I first submit a story to a batch of A-List markets.  As I receive rejections, I submit to markets in the next tier down.  Finding the right market, for the right story, at the right time is an exercise in patience and perseverance.

The second goal ups the stakes for me.  I want to be a paid author.  I'm not interested in making a living on my writing.  But there is, for me personally, a level of prestige that comes along with an editor viewing my fiction as a product that he or she is willing to purchase in order to best achieve his or her marketing objectives.  Selling a story is on my bucket list and this is the year I've decided to cross it off.

Today I came across an excellent article written by literary magazine editor Lynne Barrett, which I found extremely helpful.  I wanted to pass the link on to anyone who, like me, is submitting their work to literary markets.  In fact, I think the advice is pertinent to any writer submitting work of any length, because it covers the importance of following submission guidelines, how to handle rejections of various types and lengths, and the proper protocol when responding to an acceptance.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Thanks for stopping by~ 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I admire anyone who tackles magazine submissions! My blogger buddy Milo is like the expert in this area. Wonder if he uses that site?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link. Such a great resource.

Laura S. said...

Those are great goals, Nicole! I like Duotrope a lot. NewPages.com is another great submission resource.

Thanks for the article link!

Jessica Bell said...

This being paid for a story was one of my goals this year too. I hope you get it! I finally did and boy was the buzz HIGH!!! :o) My fingers are crossed for you sweetie because you are a brilliant writer!

Carolyn V said...

Thanks for the link! I think getting paid for your writing is a great goal. I may have to copy you and try it for next year.

Laurel Garver said...

thanks for the linked article--it was great! I haven't been doing simultaneous subs, but probably ought to just to save time.

Good luck reaching your goals, especially breaking into paying markets. I hope you're also looking at some of the other WD guides, because the highest paying markets, especially for women's fiction, are the consumer magazines that aren't listed in Duotrope.

DL Hammons said...

What Jessica said! :)

Patrick Ross said...

Kudos on working toward your goals, and for sharing these great links! I just started the process of targeting literary journals this year and hadn't come across these. I'd add http://www.newpages.com as a great source.


LTM said...

wow! Super-congrats, Nicole! That's really awesome, and thanks for the link to Duotrope~ :o) <3

The Review Review said...

Great article. Thanks for linking to The Review Review! Best of luck with your writing!

The Review Review