I'm popping my head through the surface of the writing pool to gulp some fresh air and say hello. I've missed my blogging friends so much! But the energy coursing through me for my newest writing project is high, high, HIGH and I am loving it. Here's what I've been up to:
* I'm deep in the planning stages of "Untitled WiP." *note to self: Figure out a working title, at least!*
* The characters have all shown up and are clamoring for my attention. Some days, the greatest challenge is hushing one character so I can listen to what the other one is screaming at me. Every new detail sends me in a scribble frenzy, trying to make bullet points of all the new ideas I'll need to expand upon, that have streamed out of that moment of inspiration.
* One day, I stopped writing to massage my cramped hand when I heard the school bus outside. My kids were home from school -- and I realized I'd been writing for FIVE hours straight! That, my friends, has never happened to me before!
* I've been researching on the Internet: The first major turning point thrusts main character Piper Crow out of her regular life and jettisons her across the globe to the Central African Republic (CAR). I lived in that country between 1994 and 1996, but a lot has changed there in the past fifteen years. Also, the story will deal with characters who entered the CAR in 1960, fifty-one years before Piper was born. I've needed to refresh my memory about the country's history, which I learned in preparation for my Peace Corps service but have since forgotten the specific details. I want to weave CAR's historical past, with regard to the political and social climate at the time the country gained its independence from France, into those characters' backstories, as that storyline heavily impacts Piper's present-day life.
* On the reading front, I'm mid-way through Jessica Bell's String Bridge! Stunning book, so far!
* Finally, I stumbled upon a wonderful YouTube series by Martha Alderson called How to Plot a Novel, Memoir or Screenplay. I watched all 27 Steps and was guided and motivated by Martha's advice. The series does not promote plotting in a strict sense, but rather provides a wealth of tips to help organize your thoughts and establish the rhythm of energy your book should have for the greatest emotional impact on the reading audience. I especially liked Martha's down-to-earth, organic vibe in this entirely unscripted series. If you are interested, here is the first Step. If you enjoy it, you'll be able to follow the rest of the series from there:
And for anyone who'd like to see more photos from our extraordinary vacation on the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Malta, I'd like to link my Facebook photo albums. These links are for public viewership, but if you have any trouble viewing them and we aren't FB friends already, just send me a friend request!
Until next time, happy writing!!
Wow! I'm SOOOOOOOOO happy you're writing. This project is going to be so wonderful. I can't wait to start reading it! Wink wink! ;o)
Hey, I posted on that web series a few weeks ago. Great isn't it?
Enjoy your writing frenzy, and I look forward to seeing what come out of it!
Titles can be tricky. Good luck finding one.
I'm looking forward to reading String Bridge.
Hi Nicole! I've missed you! :)
So glad to here the writing is going well. I loved Jessica's book too.
Thanks for the link! I sat here for a few minutes watching. While what she says is wonderful, the barking dog in the background kept distracting me.
Best of luck with your new WIP. It's sounds really interesting. <3
You GO girl!!!! :)
Hi Nicole, glad to see you popping up! Sounds like you have some fantastic things going on!
Nice! Isn't it wonderful when our muse is so strong?
Thanks for the youtube link I am going to check that out for sure!
Well done and good luck with the writing.
Glad to see you up for air. It's been a while. Best of luck with your wip, it sounds soooo entriguing.
Hey, if it's flowing, just keep writing!
I totally want to see more pictures of the Mediterranean vacation. Best of luck with your writing :)
YAY for inspiration and the muse! And thanks for the "plot whisperer" link, it was really interesting.
Writing five hours straight, huh? Sounds as if you are definitely onto something good. When I finish the edits on my second book and start writing book three, I hope I suffer much the same enthusiasm.
Yay! I hope the writing project goes smoothly. Sounds great!
Oh and thanks for the YouTube series, I'll have to check them out. =)
Thanks for the link, I'll be sure to check the video out. I realy need the help.
What a great trip you had!
Can't wait to check out the video link! Thank you. Have fun with the writing mania. I love it when that happens.
You are one busy lady! I love the name Piper, BTW! Awesome! And I can't wait to go through more photos. Anyways, write on, Nicole!
Just dropping in to say hi, Nicole. Hi, Nicole.
Ooooh I love it when I get hit with a high like that. Went through something similar the other day and finished a second WiP.
Now I'm preparing for another round of Doorways edits.
Hope things are still going as smoothly for you.
happiness is simple
a pen
a piece of paper
five hours
and many more
Sounds like you're having a blast writing - that's awesome. Enjoy it!! :) Sounds like a terrific story idea!
Dude, I'm SO happy you are writing!!
Happy belated Birthday, Nic!! I'm so pleased you were born and came to be in my life. I hope your day was delightful, and that you are still having a fab birthday week. (I believe in birthday WEEK)
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