Monday, May 2, 2011

A-Z Thank Yous and An ANNOUNCEMENT

(Very special announcement at the bottom of this post!)

Is it May already??  I was in a bit of a haze this whole A-Z Blogfest: head down and plugging away.  Then Friday's Royal Wedding had the reality haze feeling more like a fog, and now today's news that Public Enemy #1 is dead has me spinning in pea soup fog.

*waves arms in the air, swishing the fog, clearing her mind*

Thank you's are in order.  Thank you, Jessica Bell, my A-Z partner-in-crime who came up with the idea to write micro-fiction entries prompted by an alphabetical list of emotions, feelings, and states of mind.  I had such a wonderful time coming up with ways to show the prompt word, and each time a commenter guessed the word correctly validated my efforts that day.

So thank you, fellow bloggers, for your visits, for reading my posts, and for playing along in this mad game of "guess what?"  Without your support and encouraging comments, I would have lost steam by "H!"

A special thanks goes out to Arlee Bird for his genius idea for the blogfest, and to his amazing co-hosts. You guys rock:

Jeffrey Beesler's World of the Scribe 
Alex J. Cavanaugh Alex J. Cavanaugh 
Jen Daiker's Unedited 
Candace Ganger's The Misadventures in Candyland 
Karen J Gowen at Coming Down the Mountain 
Talli Roland 
Stephen Tremp's Breakthrough Blogs 

Lastly, I want to thank Elizabeth Mueller for the pretty blog award at the top of this post.  Thanks for helping 
recognize the effort and energy every A-Z participant put into the challenge!

I have a special announcement!

Gina Maxwell has discovered a young writer who at the tender age of 18 shows incredible promise in her craft.  She's penned an essay that Gina shared on her blog today.  Gina asked me if I'd help direct traffic to her blog, so you can enjoy it too.

Please pop over and see what all the buzz is about!  Follow this link to Gina's blog.

Thanks so much, and have a wonderful, SAFE, peaceful day!!


Unknown said...

You're the first one (that I've seen) to meantion "Public Enemy #1"! Congrats on getting to the end. And thanks for that link. Off to read it now.

Lindsay said...

Congrats on finishing the challenge.
Off to read the other post now ;)

Stina said...

When my husband told me about PE#1 being dead, I thought I'd misheard him.

Congrats on the awesome blogfest. My brain was too numb at 5 am to figure yours and Jessica's puzzles out. :P

Melissa Sarno said...

Thanks for the link! I loved that post and the young writer is really talented. Congrats on finished A-Z :-)

Nofretiri said...

Aren't we all fantastic geniuses and winners?!?! Unbelievable, we really did it!

I'm glat to have found your blog via A-Z Challenge! I'm looking forward for more! Maybe ... well, maybe I'm borrowing that emotions-posts-idea! :-)

Wish you a wonderful, relaxing May! :-)

Karin @ Nofretiris Dream Of Writing

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You rock! And your dual posts for the Challenge were so creative.

LTM said...

very cool--you guys were so fun! and I'll check out that site!

It has been a surreal few days, yes? <3

Sophia said...

Congrats on getting through the challenge, you guys definitely took it up a notch with your creative writing every Mon-Sat!
- Sophia.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

You're welcome!

Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your posts. You had a very creative way of handling the challenge. Congrats for making it the distance.

And thanks for the link. I'll go check that out right now.

Tiger85 said...

Congrats on the award and finishing the Challenge. =)

Poetry, Quotes and Book Reviews.

Jules said...

Congrats on finishing, sorry I dropped off. Had a bit of a melt down half way through. ;) I'll check out the promise one.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Jai Joshi said...

This weekend's news has me reeling too. So many momentous events, all so extreme and different. It's like weights are being taken off our collective chests and we can't deal with the lightness.


Trisha said...

Congrats on the A-Z, it was quite an achievement I think! :D

Marjorie said...

I'm so happy to have discovered your blog this month! I enjoyed every word you wrote.

Pam Asberry said...

Thank you for following my blog; I am delighted to find yours! Your bio says you live in the ATL area; I live in Dacula, so maybe our paths will cross one of these days. I look forward to getting to know you better!

Anonymous said...

April was a very busy month, so I was not able to keep up on reading the blog posts. CONGRATS on completing the A to Z Challenge!

Carolyn V said...

Wow! At 18? That's pretty impressive!

Congrats to everyone on the a-z! It was so fun to read what everyone had each day. =)

Anonymous said...

Always impressed by those who stick it out through the A-Z challenge. Congrats! Hope you get back to a steady state of mind soon.

Deana said...

I was right there in the fog with you...what a crazy couple weeks. Lets also not forget the tornados either! Holy smokes...

Congrats on the award and finishing your writing challenge and I'm heading over to check out Gina now:)

Samantha Vérant said...

You guys did an Awesome JOB!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Great job! And thanks for the link to that remarkable young woman's essay on Date a Girl Who Reads. How smart she is!

KM Nalle said...

Congratulations on finishing the A to Z. It was a whirlwind. I read a tweet commenting that it was a real "Disney" weekend since the girl married her prince and the bad guy was taken out. Hard to process everything all at once. I'll go check out the link!