Thursday, April 14, 2011

'L' is for...?

Yesterday's post described 'Kindness.' Almost everyone guessed that, or 'karma,' which I think fits too!

Today, my passage involves a lot of emotions. To successfully guess the 'L' emotion/feeling/state of mind, you have to look past the POV (it's not her!) and pay special attention to Jennifer and Jonathon.  Ready?  Here goes:

“Your table is ready.”

I followed my sister and the hostess. I watched Jennifer command attention as she sauntered; her slim hips swayed exaggeratedly with each step, tracing slow, deliberate figure-eight patterns. Infinity. The hostess handed us oversized, leather-bound menus as we took our seats.

“Bring us a bottle of Chateau Margaux 1982, if you have it,” Jennifer commanded.

I looked at my watch. 11:50 a.m. What the hell, I thought. A drink is probably a good idea...

The hostess said she’d ask our waitress to bring a bottle, but Jennifer had already dismissed her. “So,” Jenn addressed me. “Can you believe we’re planning Mom’s retirement party?”

It was never easy for me to talk with Jennifer about our mother. Although I was barely one year older than her, we hadn’t been reared in the same way. Maybe it was because Mom identified more with Jennifer’s easy laugh or spontaneous personality, or because she just assumed my independent streak needed little nurturing.  Whatever it was, Mom’s affections had always been aimed foremost at Jenn. As an adult, I’d rationalized it and made peace with it; but when I was face to face with either of them, I still struggled to ward off the painful memories of being the invisible child.

“Yeah,” I began, “I was thinking of renting out that little Victorian restaurant she loves--” I was interrupted by a man who had stopped at our table.

“Excuse me,” he said to Jenn. “Aren’t you Mandy Goliath?”

My sister smiled salaciously at him. “Why, yes. How sweet of you to recognize me,” she added coyly.

“I’m a big fan of your work.” They hadn’t broken eye contact.

“I’ll bet you are big,” she breathed. I looked at my watch again. He seemed to notice me for the first time.

“Jonathon Shill.” He extended his hand to me.

“Dr. Nadia Beaulieu,” I said, shaking his hand.

“Doctor?” He sounded impressed.

“Oh! She’s not really a doctor,” laughed my sister. “She just teaches at the University of Albany!”

The man had lost interest in me the moment my sister spoke. They conversed a couple more minutes, and then he told her it was a pleasure to meet her. As he was taking his leave, my sister offered him a kiss. He leaned down and she kissed him long on the mouth. Shocked, I glimpsed their groping tongues before looking away. 

The waitress arrived, thankfully, with the bottle of wine.

Any guesses what 'L' emotion/etc. Jenn and Jon have exhibited?  I love reading your comments each day.  Keep them coming!  And please visit by writing partner-in-A-Z-crime, Jessica Bell to read what she's come up with for today's 'L' word!

Have a fab day!



Jessica Bell said...

Nice! Is this about you and your sisters???

Unknown said...

Any similarities between fictional characters and real life people is purely coincidental...okay, maybe. :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I picked karma!
Is this one lust as well? No wait, lewd!

Linda G. said...

Um...lust, maybe? With the groping tongues and all. ;)

Vicki Rocho said...

My my's a lusty day today, isn't it?

Amy Wood said...

I would guess lust.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Lust was my first thought.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Gotta be lust. Of course, their behavior could also be described as "loathsome", but after checking your partner's blog, there is NO doubt that the emotion you're looking for is lust, with a capital L.

Laura S. said...

Lustful...but I think lewd could work too!

J.L. Campbell said...

Hot connection. Lust, I'm guessing.

Matthew MacNish said...

This has to be lecherous, because with a name like Mandy Goliath, Jenn has to be a porn star, and Johnathan the shill is obviously thinking lecherous thoughts.

The Writing Goddess said...

Lewd and lascivious lust on display.

Nice passage. One doesn't have to be a prude to be put off by PDA's - especially by one's family.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I still say lust although this one is more subtle. LOL

Mary Aalgaard said...

Ah, very lusty! And, the sister, limited.

Angela Scott said...

It's gotta be lust. Right?


KM Nalle said...

Based on the groping I will also say lust.