The power of positive thinking can never be understated.
After months of mild, lingering depression, I have finally turned a corner. It wasn't easy to pull myself out of my computer chair, but once I did I was able to put into action a plan I'd devised to combat my sadness.
When you feel down, it's so easy to isolate yourself and wait for it to pass on its own. Sometimes it even works. But prolonged depression is a dangerous, slippery slope. Before I realized what had happened, the sadness had lashed itself about me, binding my arms, my creativity.
This week has been different. I feel light-spirited. Happy! I laugh with my kids, snuggle up with my husband, reach out to my friends. It's been a really, really good week.
So what made this week different?
On Monday morning, I headed to the Athens Botanical Gardens, maintained by the University of Georgia. The manicured lawns and plotted flower and herb gardens are gorgeous, but if you hit the trails beyond the electric enclosure, erected to keep deer and other forest foragers away from the plants, you quickly forget you are inside city limits. The trails are rugged, like being on the side of a mountain. There are stretches that follow the swift-moving Oconee River, or babbling brooks. When the trails head up steep hills, you have to lift your knees and reach with your feet, hoist yourself up the knobby, exposed roots of forty-foot trees. Really gets your heart rate up.
I was so invigorated from the four-mile hike that I went back yesterday. I explored more trails, felt the sun on my face, felt my muscles working.
(I'm working on a little project, born from these hikes, and I'll share it next week.)
The other outing this week was a "writer's field trip," of sorts. I worked on a character back during the holidays, a young woman afraid to live her authentic life, held back by the childhood death of her sister which she witnessed. I'd decided she would choose, as a career, a hair and make-up artist in a funeral home. Later in the story, as she faced her inner conflicts, she would leave that job to pursue her true life passions. I'd asked my hair stylist if she'd learned in beautician school about mortuary work. She hadn't, but she had been asked by family members to work on deceased clients.
Such a job came up this week. She called me. Would I be interested in assisting her? Wow. I was terrified, but I grabbed the opportunity.
On Monday, I'll tell you about that experience.
Until then, have a wonderful weekend!
I Never Thought I'd See the Day
17 hours ago
Oh, so cool. Nothing like communing with nature to get the positivity flowing. When I'm feeling down I usually just go to sleep, which doesn't help.
Glad to hear things are turning around for you, Nicole!
I'm glad you're feeling better. There's nothing like being outside in nature to bring you back from the brink. I'm starting my walking routine back up next Monday. Can't wait. And hey, how cool is that you get to do what you want to do in your book in real life.
Have a great weekend.
Yay! I'm glad you are feeling more energetic! Good luck with assisting the beautician. Wow~ what an opportunity.
Beautiful weather this week for being outdoors. SO glad you've had a great week and are feeling better. Can't wait to hear about your experience...
Isn't it amazing how, when you finally set your feet to walk down a path, lots of opportunities come your way?
Inspiring, Nicole! Best to you, and all those positive vibes.
I'm sorry you were blue. But I'm thrilled you are feeling better! :)
I look forward to hearing about the makeup on dead people.
Nature and exercise are wonderful ways to combat sadness.
Your experience with your hair dresser sounds very interesting-- can't wait to hear more!
Wow, good for you! You are working hard to move forward and that can only lead to positive things. As for the hairdresser experience, I can't wait to read more.
So glad you are feeling better. Communing with nature is always a wonderful thing. This past week I have been at the beach everyday, watching the seagulls, sandpipers, and two-legged creatures flitting around the water. I does the soul good.
Interesting premise on you book and project. Good luck and I hope the experience is helpful with you writing.
You have a good weekend, too.
hi miss nicole! im just real sorry you got all sad and depressed. but im just real happy you got out walking and got in the sunshine and now youre doing way better. yikes that hair dresser stuff sounds some strange to do. i cant wait for you to say more bout that.
...hugs from lenny
So true! I've many a fantastic idea while walking and just absorbing the joys of nature. Sometimes we get lost in all the technology, that we forget the simple joys of just being outside under the shining sun.
I worked with a guy for a time who worked in a morgue parttime. I picked his brain a little but I would have loved to have had a first hand experience.
I love going for walks. Can't wait to hear about your experience on Monday!
I'm sure this will come as no great surprise to you, but I love the botanical garden!! I used to live just a mile down the road from it--my 2nd apartment in Athens. It never fails to cheer, and the inside structure is so amazing when all the orchids are in bloom.
I can't WAIT to hear about this mortuary experience!!
That sounds like a great character, and you are so dedicated to your research.
I'm excited to hear about your project and your trip to the mortuary next week! I'm glad the Botanical Gardens put some spring into your step, it really does sound gorgeous. I hope your week continues to be happy-making.
- Sophia.
Sorry to hear you'd had a prolonged bout with the blues. Sounds like it might have been a tought of seasonal affective disorder--blues brought on by too little sunlight in the winter months. Time in nature and exercise are such a help, though, aren't they?
Your research sounds fascinating! Can't wait to hear more.
oops typo--"touch of" was what I meant to write.
So glad you are feeling better. I do the same thing--get outside. It helps clear the mind. Can't wait to hear about your new venture.
Have fun!
I don't know what it is about getting outside that makes one feel better. Usually when I'm feeling down, taking a walk in the woods by my house really works wonders for lifting my mood. I'll have to check back Monday to see how the mortuary experience went!
Exercise and writing always help me. Glad you're kicking it.
Cool on the opportunity.
Love the picture. I completely believe in putting forth a positive mindset because it does lead to positive actions and results. Glad you're feeling better:)
God to know that you're feeling closer to normal. It will be interesting to read about your experience to come.
I am pleased that you are feeling better and seem to be coming out of the funk.
I am stoked to hear about your little excursion to said mortuary. I once considered do that as a profession.
Glad to hear things are getting better.
Depression is a very frustrating thing but getting out and into nature helps.
I get fast results by cutting down on my hours of sleep and it helps me. But best of luck to you and hope you keep feeling wonderful. Nature is always a very powerful source of inspiration.
Now that will be a wild field trip!
Good for you. We often visualize a triangle of actions-feelings-thoughts in my field. By changing one of these, you can change the others, sometimes enough to tip the scales, as you have. By changing your actions, you improved your mood, and your thoughts, for the better. Congrats!
OOOooo, I've been's not a fun place to be, for sure. I'm so glad you're finding your way back!
The gardens sound wonderful!
The lady who does my hair has worked on several deceased clients....I can't wait to read about your experience. Wow....
Hope your weekend is full of light and happiness :)
Great words Nicole! We all need to just force ourselves out of our chairs (and/or our funks) and take a trail somewhere....
Terrific advice. Glad you are out of your slump and moving forward. It's so true that depression and thinking negative thoughts feed each other in a downward burdensome funk and get others around us down as well. Postive thinking and activities are so important to our well-being.
Tossing It Out
Due to allergies I'm late but glad YOUR story has a happy ending. Positive thoughts.... and a happy weekend :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I reackon all that physical exercise got your depression under control. So glad you did! There's nothing worse than being stuck in a slump like that. I get into those plenty and know how it feels. But I think you did the best thing for your body and mind. Something I never have to stamina to force upon myself when I'm in a state like that. I let myself wallow until I can wallow no more. Good on you for putting your foot down and telling your mind how to behave!!!
Being outdoors has always helped me when I'm in a funk or feeling bleh. I wish we had gardens here! I live in Vegas, so the only place to see flowers is the conservatory at Bellagio. So not the same.
That's a cool opportunity, all the best, and enjoy your weekend too!
Glad you're feeling better. Sometimes sunshine and a little fresh air can work miracles. :)
Can't wait to hear what you're gonna do with the mortuary/hairdressing experience. :)
I went to UGA, the botanical gardens are a treat! And hiking is great for creativity.
I'm so glad you are feeling better, my friend. Yet, I feel bad that all of those times that we said hello, you were not exactly well or happy.
I've been missing lately. Some of the reasons were ugly ones; while others were good ones. I think I'm back though.
Take care of yourself. I'll look forward to reading about how this new experience went...
Your buddy,
Glad you've pulled yourself out of the funk. Getting outside and hanging out with nature always makes me happy and contemplative (in a good way) too. Looking forward to hearing about your experience with the hair dresser. Sounds pretty crazy but cool!
Glad you are feeling better.
I used to live in Athens Georgia!
Isn't life amazing. Maybe your depression was a need to coil into yourself and rest. Maybe you didn't have the motivation. Maybe you needed fresh air and sunshine...and an idea. What a great moment of connection with the make-up artist and the funeral home. Sounds like a terrific story.
Sorry to hear about the depression- I understand it completely. Getting out and into the sun, moving, seeing people, always helps me when I am down. I am a solitary individual and prefer to be alone but learned in my thirties that if I was alone too much, that I continued to sink down. It sounds like you did what you needed to do, getting out and about and there is nothing like having a new idea for a project to get the juices going. Cheers!
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