Monday, May 10, 2010

A Full House Usually Wins...

When hubby and the kids said I could choose anything to do on Mother's Day, I said without hesitation that I wanted the four of us to spend the day hiking around DeSoto Falls in the North Georgia Mountains.  Summer posted pictures of her day trip there on Saturday, inspiring me to finally visit the place I'd only written about in a short story but never actually been to.

I left my camera in the car (arg), so thank you Great Georgian Properies(dot)com for this gorgeous shot of the Upper Falls.

As always, I had my pocket-sized Moleskin journal with me, noting the sights, smells and sounds that inspired me as we made our way along a moderately rugged path through the lush forest.  The tallest broadleaf hardwoods in the Chattahoochee National Forest towered 100 feet above us, and the glimpses of blue through occasional breaks in the canopy would have looked artificial had I mixed that color and tried to paint a sky on canvas.  Nature so pure isn't meant to be captured or reproduced; only enjoyed.

Which is why I was so unnerved when we made our final stop of the day.

After leaving the DeSoto Falls Scenic Area, we drove over the summit and into the valley of Blairsville, Georgia.  Nestled at the base of rolling peaks is a quaint cluster of mountain artisan boutiques and country stores.  In one, where they sell beautiful, hand-hewn furniture carved from solid wood, one can also purchase this:

and this:
I cursed myself again for not having my camera with me, but thank you Jacob K for his Flickr Collection titled Georgia, for capturing these shots!

I'm not an animal activist, but I clearly fall somewhere on the spectrum of respect for animals' rights.  Taxidermy had always been an art form I didn't particularly understand or appreciate, but I'd never considered it cruel.  Certainly, I understand a hunter's desire to admire the fruits of his game.  But after spending a day basking in nature and celebrating the planet and all its glory, seeing those magnificent animals frozen in poses created from someone's cruel sense of humor struck me as nauseating mockery.  

The price tag on the bear was $599.  The raccoon cost $385.  There was actually a nice selection of raccoons to choose from.  If the canoe wasn't appealing, you could go with: a seated raccoon trying to open a can of Coca Cola between its legs; a raccoon seated with a paw dug into an open box of Cracker Jacks; a raccoon holding five fanned-out playing cards (a full house with kings and queens -- a winning hand, ironically); or a raccoon dressed in tiny hiking gear and holding a compass.  Also available for a mere $181.50 each were canoe-paddling squirrels and squirrels dressed in cowboy regalia.

The good news is those bears, raccoons and squirrels got my writer gears turning.  A brilliant idea (if I don't say so myself) for my antagonist popped into my mind and resulted in a scribbled page and a half of notes in the old Moleskin.  It's going to be a good writing day today!

Did you see anything this weekend that sparked a new idea or twist for your story? 


Matthew MacNish said...

Wow that sounds wonderful. I have never been even though I probably don't live very far away. Our house is so close to Amicola Falls that it has become our default destination for hikes and such.

Thanks for the reminder that there are other beautiful places here in Georgia!

Travener said...

Wow, you're braver than I. I've been afraid of the north Georgia woods ever since I saw the film Deliverance. I wish I had a great weekend story, but I spent most of it with a sore throat, cough and headache. I agree with you on the taxidermy issue. I'm not anti-hunter, but if you are going to hunt, show some respect for the animals you kill, don't turn them into touristy geegaws.

Jayne said...

Taxidermy - I can understand it of the Victorian age, the time of exploration and discovery, I can't quite get my head around it in our supposed 'enlightened' age. I wouldn't want to be frozen with a box of Cracker Jacks! But yes, it does make me think of stories - mainly about the animals' revenge!

This weekend - no new ideas for the story I am working on, but being out and about always helps creating fodder. My, that sounds appealing!

clutterbug said...

The taxidermy... ugh.

Your writing however ... so engaging.


Janna Leadbetter said...

So lovely! Glad you had a great day.

It seems like so many moments of my life are suspended and inspire my writing. This weekend, they had everything to do with my family.

Portia said...

What a beautiful place! That sounds like a great mother's day :-) Isn't it fun to see what sparks ideas? I like the moleskins too. Perfect to jot down that big idea ...

Lydia Kang said...

Beautiful place, creepy stuffed animals. Eww.
Umm, nothing in particular sparked my creative urge, just in bed sick. Boring me!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Hiking in woods is one of my most favorite things to do, and those look so inviting. I find taxidermy disturbing, but I do understand how it was educationally useful in an age before people could easily travel the globe or watch wild animal videos. Putting dead animals in bizarre poses is not cute, however. When I was very little, one of my grandmothers had a lamp made of a turtle. I used to stand eye-to-eye with it and stare in horrified fascination. I've never forgotten how weird it seemed.

MTeacress said...

I wonder who buys it. I remember a lady in a rural CA town that had a dead pheasent for decor. My great-grandfather had a bunch of it too. I still remember the feeling I had walking through his house, looking at all the beasts on the wall. Woo.

Jessica Bell said...

Poor animals! :( I've never undersood this either. It makes me sick to the stomach just thinking about hunting let alone stuffing them for ornamental decoration. Ugh!

This line: 'Nature so pure isn't meant to be captured or reproduced; only enjoyed.' Oh so true isn't it? I don't think even the most talented writer in the world could capture it's pure essense in written form.

Well, sparked ideas, um ... not really ... unfortunately :(

Glad you had a great mothers day!

Unknown said...

I saw something this weekend that put in my mind something for the next book I'm writing but I can't think about it because I have to get the one before it edited.


Unknown said...

Matt~ We LOVE Amicalola Falls!! For Sidney's birthday two weeks ago we hiked to the top of the falls then back down on...what's it called, the East Rim trail? Is that right? Anyways, it's gorgeous there! And no, DeSoto Falls is not far from you. It's only about 23 miles from Dahlonega.

Travener~ Ya, and don't go hiking with someone who thinks it's funny to hum "banjo"'s unsettling no matter how hilarious! Hope you're feeling better.

Jayne~ Yes, those taxidermists definitely crossed a line. You should have seen the raccoon's backpack. I mean, come on! *rolls eyes* Thanks for visiting!!

Clutterbug~ Thank you!! Great to see you back :))

Janna~ Me too -- All my "emotional" notes were about family love. If I can make those captured feelings come alive in my fiction, I'll consider myself a successful writer!

Portia~ So true, there are ideas all around us!

Lydia~ Oh! I hope you're feeling better soon!

Tricia~ That's it! I just stared into those lifeless eyes and couldn't help thinking they'd been free, roaming the forest, and were killed -- for what? To stand on someone's living room shelf drawing a laugh from human visitors? It just doesn't seem right...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The last thing I want in my living room is a stuffed raccoon in a canoe. That is disturbing.

Glad you had an ejoyable Mother's Day.

Unknown said...

Michelle~ Like walking through a hall of horrors, right? Especially for a kid. It's hard to imagine feeling any other way, although clearly others must enjoy them...But I'm with you: who drops $181 dollars on a stuffed squirrel??!

Jessica~ I'm with ya, sister. It just seems so wrong!

Clarissa~ So many stories, so little time! Be sure to make notes -- and best of luck with finishing your current WiP!

Unknown said...

Alex~ Right? I mean, if I have $400 to blow, it ain't gonna be on a stuffed woodland creature playing cards!

Lisa K. said...

That looks like a beautiful place to spend the day. I'm always inspired by places and, like you, tend to jot down notes of all the sensory things that strike me. What great fodder for fiction! And it sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Patti said...

I love hiking, especially in such a beautiful place. I have to agree about the animals. I don't mind taxidermy when they portray animals in a respectful manner, but that's just ridiculous.

Hannah said...

I always see, smell, hear, note something to be used in a piece, if not my current wip. I too always keep a moleskine handy.

B. Miller said...

Wow... those animals are nuts! I kind of feel sorry for them too!

Glad you had a great Mother's Day and had a fun time on your trip! That area is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Jai Joshi said...

So glad you had a lovely mother's day. I love to hike too and would rather do that than most things.

I agree with you about taxidermy. I've always thought of it as the most disgusting thing and your pictures reinforced my feelings on the matter.


Liza said...

Happy for your storyline...not so much for the animals.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

What beautiful scenery! It must have been a wonderful day. And I agree with you about the animals. I had a great Mother's Day, but no aha moments. :-)

Santa's Gift Shoppe and Ideas said...

Hi..I’m Barb….I am from FF.. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
& get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well. Nice to meet ya
New friend!!

Anonymous said...

Huh. That's a little bit sad about the taxidermy, good lady. Still, if it got the writer-brain churning, it's not all bad.

A happy belated Mother's Day to you, m'dear. Happy writing today!

Roxy said...

What a beautiful Mother's Day, Nicole! You have a great family. I'd like to hike that trail, too. Wow. I do think the taxidermy is disrespectful to those poor creatures. I'm siding with you on that issue. Good luck with the notes from the Moleskin. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Sounds like an awesome day - we spent it doing all kinds of family stuff! :)

Terry Stonecrop said...

What a beautiful place! Glad you were inspired.

Summer Frey said...

Hey, awesome! Glad you went up there. :-) Yesterday was a beautiful day for a hike! Hopefully the gnat swarms weren't as bad for you all as they were for us!

I hate, hate taxidermy, and it's everywhere...especially 'round here.

So glad your Mother's Day was special!

Milton said...

Glad you were inspired. Sounds like you had a lovely day :) Hiking is good for the soul and thanks for the pics. And thanks for the award :). I was delighted. xx

And so was Muttie.

The Milt xx

Anonymous said...

Oh, irony. I really don't like seeing animals posed in such disrespectful ways. But what do I know?

Nothing out of the ordinary got my attention this weekend. But that could be because I pretty much just vegged. Maybe next weekend!

Lisa_Gibson said...

lol, I was actually going to write a story with a character who gave his kids actually taxidermied animals for stuffed animals. Hmmm, maybe I'll consider that story again someday. :)

Cynthia Reese said...

Me? I would have forgotten the journal AND the camera! And, yeah, I'm with you on the taxidermy.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Sounds wonderfully serene.

Except of course the stuffed animals. I have no appreciation for exploiting an animals death. My heart broke with the stuffed bear, such a noble brother...


Paul C said...

First, I really enjoy slow, cascading waterfalls as seen in your photo. Enjoying the fragrance of lilac and Korean Spice this weekend in the garden helps to stimulate sensory appeal.

Jaydee Morgan said...

I think it's awesome that you found a great, useable idea from something that holds no interest for you. It's amazing how our minds work!

Laura S. said...

Wow, beautiful falls! I'm not a fan of taxidermy either. It makes me feel sad. :(

I didn't see anything that sparked a new idea, but on Sunday morning, which is my designated sleeping in day, I awoke at 6:30. No big deal, I could fall back asleep. But just as I was about to fall asleep, a scene popped into my head for a novel idea I've been toying with. Ugh! And of course I had to get up and write it because I knew I'd forget it otherwise. I'm happy about the scene, but couldn't it wait until much later??? Lol, oh well!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Beautiful! I would love to go there one day! I love waterfalls too.

Little Ms J said...

I'm a little creeped out by the stuffed animals, but have to admit I'm curious to see a squirrel dressed as a cowboy.

Elliot Grace said...

...stuffed animals in canoes? Who does that? I mean, I've heard of having an odd hobby or two...but really? Stuffing a squirrel?
What ever to gardening, or backgammon?

Vicki Rocho said...

Okay, that's it! I'm going to schedule a day out to commune with nature. After this last winter (ugh), I need to reconnect!

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Ah, Georgia. Sigh. Complete with the falls and questionable taxidermy. Me? I spent Mother's Day also in Georgia, but down at Indian Springs, listening to water chuckle over the rocks. Great post - and great blog! Just found it.

Jen said...

Ah, only in the South could one find canoe paddling raccoons, squirrels and bears. Embarassing to say the least.

So glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I haven't hiked DeSoto falls yet, but I think it needs to go on my list :)

Happy Tuesday,

Shelley Sly said...

Oh wow. Those, um, "stuffies" are certainly something. I love animals too much to buy one.

But I'm glad you got some ideas for your writing! That's always terrific! Nothing happened over the weekend, but early last week I got an idea for a new WIP while at work, and I'm excited to work on it.

Hope you had an amazing Mother's Day!

Lydia Kang said...

Hey I gave you an award over at my blog!

Jennie Englund said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Sounds like you made a fun memory with your family!

kanishk said...

So lovely! Glad you had a great day.
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