Perhaps the best part of all, though, is the fun of sending the award out to other blogging friends. Today, I have the pleasure of doing that four times over! With no further ado, here we go:

I want to thank Anne at Piedmont Writer and Tara at Feel of Something New for this award. Anne speaks from her heart, with a voice that is at the same time strong and humorous, and inviting and free-spirited. Tara is a talented writer whose creativity and kindness comes through every sentence she pens. I enjoy both these blogs on a daily basis. If you don't get your daily dose of these wonderful women, visit them today!
I'd like to pass the Sunshine Award on to these bright, new blogger buddies:
Heather at See Heather Write
G.P. Ching at So, Write
Terresa at The Chocolate Chip Waffle
Elle at The Writer's Funhouse
Tiffany at Tiffany Neal

Thank you to Simon at Constant Revision and Laurel at Laurel's Leaves for this awesome award. I love Simon's hilarious sense of humor! Every post is the perfect blend of serious and snarky. He shouldn't be reading this, because he's on a Blogger Hiatus...(*waves to Simon*)...If you don't already, go sign up to follow him! And sweet Laurel is another blogger buddy I read faithfully every day. She's going places; check her out!
The Creative Writer Award goes to these fab writers:
Rebecca at Diary of a Virgin Novelist
Courtney at Courtney Reese
Shelley at Stories of the Ordinary
DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude
Allison at Borrowing Heaven, Subletting Hell

Thank you, Jemi at Just Jemi, for this adorable award! Jemi's posts brighten my day and if you want a burst of sunshine in yours, click over to her blog today! Apparently, this award comes with the instructions to share with you how I like my eggs. Odd, but fun! My typical breakfast includes a four egg white omlette (which sounds like a lot, but it really isn't), paired with half a cup of oatmeal. I wash it down with at least 8 oz. of water and two cups of coffee. the time I get to the gym at 9:00, I've gotta tinkle b a d! TMI, I know. Sorry!!
The Quill Feather Award goes to seven cool chicks:
Abby at Abby Annis
Roni at *Fiction Groupie*
B.J. at B.J. Anderson
Elana at Elana Johnson, Author
Jamie-Kate at Jamie-Kate Writes
Lisa and Laura (BOTH cool chicks!) at Lisa and Laura Write

And to my friend, Shelley at Stories from the Ordinary, thanks for this award!! Shelley's creative talent jumps off the screen as I read through her inspired posts. She's got a wonderful voice; visit her today!
The Sugar Doll Award goes to:
Joanne at Whole Latte Life
Mary at Writer's Butt Does Not Apply to Me
Diana at Writing Roller Coasters
Chasing the Moon at Dancing Down Serendipity Street
*PHEW* That was a lot at once!! I hope you all check out these amazing and crazy talented writers' blogs. I enjoy them, and I know you will too!!

Don't forget to click HERE and enter my contest! Drawing on March 15th :)
Have a fantastic Hump Day!!!
(Did you know that if you write in brackets no one but the person you're talking to can see it? It's true So... hi. Yah, I'm totally on Blogger hiatus, but that means mainly that I'm not writing my own blog posts. I can still wander around the blogosphere and comment, right? Right? Who makes the rules for these hiatii anyway?)
(You're welcome for the award, good lady. Thanks for saying nice things about me. :) Oh, and while I'm talking off the record, here, just between you and me, I think Lisa and Laura aren't real people. I think their blog's written by some dude holed up in Poughkeepsie, mainlining Red Bull and scratching his back hair. I know! Weird, right?)
(Good thing I said that in brackets, huh?)
Congratulations on all the awards! We do have a wonderful community of writers, that shower us with love.
Happy writing!
Congratulations on all the awards! And thank you for passing one on to me. :o) <3
Congrats on all the awards! Thanks for thinking of me. :)
Congrats on all of your awards! Very much deserved! We love reading what you have to say on a day-to-day basis and we're so honored that you shared one of the awards with us. Totally makes our day!
And you seriously eat the breakfast of champions. I'm so impressed! I like my eggs scrambled, but I rarely wake up in time to eat them!
Thank you for that award! I love chickens. Love, love, love them!
And congrats to you on the awards. You so deserve them. :)
I can't believe Simon is trying to out us in public. We try to keep that whole Poughkeepsie thing very quiet....
I've never seen anyone get so many awards...especially in one day! Congrats!
Wow, a whole latte great Awards going on over here today, making for a fun midweek post! Congrats to you and your fellow nominees, and thanks so much for passing one along to me :)
Simon -- Hehe...I'm so glad you stopped by! Your comment still has me chuckling!
Tamika -- Thanks for stopping by!
Elle -- You're so welcome!
Abby -- Enjoy your award!
Lisa and Laura -- Breakfast is the easy meal for me to do if I could just keep my hand out of the cookie jar...! (I have a friend, Alan, in Poughkeepsie. You wouldn't know him...would you? :P )
Elana -- Thanks!!!
Jen -- Great to meet you, officially, too! Thanks so much for following me!
Tonya -- LOL...I horded some of them for up to a week! ((hugs))
Hi Joanne! You're so welcome. Enjoy your award!!
Congratulations to you on winning all these wonderful awards! You definitely deserve them for all that you contribute to this writing world and to those who are lucky to know you. Thank you, Nicole, you rock!
Congrats to you and everyone else! You deserve it!
Congrats on all your well-deserved awards :)
Lots of new (to me) links to check out! Thanks :)
Congrats on your blog awards and thank you for passing one on to me!
The sunshine award, really? That flower is so gorgeous. And did you know, my mom used to call me "sunshine" when I was a little girl. Thank you for this!
I'm off to check out your giveaway now (BTW, did you enter my 6 Word Memoir Contest yet?)...
Congrats on all the awards. And I agree with you on how great it is to have them all circulating around and linking us together. :)
WOW...I don't think Apollo Ono has that many awards. :)
Your blog is awesome and all the awards bears that out. I especially appreciate the fact that you passed one of the more gender-neutral ones to me!! Thank you so much. Like you, I've been hoarding all my recent awards and I guess it's time to spread the blog love.
Congrats to all of the other winners as well!
Congrats on the awards and thanks for passing one along to me! I love the chicken. :)
Congrats on all these awards! Wow! And thank you so much for awarding one to me -- you're so sweet! I'll be passing it along sometime in the future, when I get around to it, hehe. Hope you've had a good week! <3
Wow - you are popular! Congrats on all the awards! You deserve them!!
Thanks, Lady!
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