Thursday, March 10, 2011

GOT To Work It Out

It's been quiet on this blog.  The only muscles I've been working lately are trained in a place like there, in the image to the left.  My writing muscles?  Tight.  Cold.  Atrophied.

Is this what writer's block is?  When you stare at the screen and nothing, I mean NOTHING inspirational comes to mind?

I touch the computer keys; my fingertips settle into the grooves.  But they just sit there.

I grab a pen and notebook.  Go downstairs.  To a cafe.  To a park bench.  I doodle little cartoon characters.  They don't have arms.  They can't write, either.

Something's going to happen.  This has to pass!

But not today.   It's ten a.m., and I'm sick of staring at this monitor.
Think I'll go to the gym.

Hope you're having more writing luck than me today!



Christopher said...

Do something new and exciting. That usually inspires me.

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Ooooh! Sometimes it's while I'm at the gym when I have the best ideas :)

Have a great workout!

Manzanita said...

It must be like when baseball players are in a slump. They eventually come out of it with flying colors. So will you. Good luck
Love and peace

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I just put my pentip on paper and write the first word that comes to mind. Then the second, then the third. It doesn't really have to mean anything. Just to get the blood flowing in my writing hand.

They gym could help too.

Jessica Bell said...

I think you need to stop writing. You've been pushing yourself for new ideas for ages. You find something when you're not looking for it. Believe me. it works with ideas too :o) Stay away from the computer for a while. Bake stuff. Draw. Do something DIFFERENT. love ya :o) xoxo

Laura S. said...

Working out definitely helps! Hope you get some new ideas. Good luck!

Amanda Bonilla said...

Music helps me work through a block. Other times I just bite the bullet and force myself to put some words down. They might be crap. They might all get deleted later. But it gets the ball rolling and helps me get back in to writing mode.

Hilary Wagner said...

Hey, at least you're staying in shape! If I don't workout, I can't write. I get a mental block because I feel guilty! It's weird how they go hand-in-hand. After I work out, my brain seems to work better! :)

~ Hilary

Hannah said...

Working out will help stir those brain juices. Good luck!

My regular blog break helps so so much!

Jaydee Morgan said...

Trying to force the ideas to come never seems to work. Take some time for yourself - without thinking about writing. It'll come back :)

Lola Sharp said...

Working out, walks and showers often help my writing brain function. Also, music and reading poetry helps.

But when all else fails, free flow writing, even if it's gibberish. This works better for me if I use a pen and paper and just write whatever word or thought pops in my head. It can be prompt exercises or journaling or diary type format or loose poetry...anything. Even word association: look at something, say a tree or cat. Write it down. Then free word associate from that word:
Cat fur soft purr cuddle smile laughter ...

etc., whatever, you get the point. The thing is, it gets your brain thinking words and images and writing them down.

Sometimes I use this form/exercise to work on metaphors by looking at an object, say a bowl, from all angles and writing down every possible thing I can think of to compare it to. (including smell--if the object has a smell, texture, color, uses, etc.)

Happy writing!

Luna said...

Don't fight it. Going to the gym is good. Do other things that inspire you or energize you. Also things that soothe your creative spirit are good.

One time when I was stuck, I used my Universal Wisdom Oracle cards and it sparked something within me.

I know this will pass. Thinking of you...

Elena Solodow said...

When I get like this, I just don't write. It means your brain needs a break - and that's okay. Hang in there.

Cherie Reich said...

Perhaps the actual work out will get the brain muscle working too. I hear it helps, although I haven't tried it myself. Good luck! Sometimes we need these writing breaks, even though you really want to write but can't.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Want some of my ideas? I have more of those than blog posts.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Sometimes we all just need a break.

Anonymous said...

A musician and Native American spirit guide told me last year that when the creative tide is in, you create, and when it is out, you do your administrative work. The gym works too, though. Just stay open for the return of that tide.


PT Dilloway said...

Sit on the toilet for a while--that's where inspiration frequently strikes me. That and in bed. So take a long dump and then a nap.

I like to differentiate between writer's block where I can't think of ideas and writer's malaise where I just don't feel like working on ideas I already have.

Rae said...

I have writer's block daily. But at least you get up and go to the gym...I go to the refrigerator!

Summer Ross said...

working out and being physical is a great starting point- sometimes we need physical experience or even out doing anything else but writing experience to shake the muse awake.

Suzanne said...

Long walk, Hot shower....
But you know what works best for me? READING. The more I read the more I think of stories that can be BETTER. SO I tell them! Classics are great for that. I just re-read Don Quixote and I'm thinking about a modern re-tell. Gang warfare and all! How about THAT!

Val said...

Ahh - the gym. My happy place, my muse, my refuge, my inspiration, my natural high. Love that's where you are taking your mind for a little TLC break while the bod gets what it needs too. Peace, love, and mind-body bliss to you today!

Michael Di Gesu said...

The gym's a great idea.... even if it doesn't clear your mind, it will ease the tension and frustration you are feeling....

I wish you a better writing day tomorrow.


Zoe C. Courtman said...

Sigh. My block is more of an industrial grade procrastination. Which I'm still trying to work out. Ugh. But on a happier note, there's an award for you over on my blog :) (second to most recent post) :D

Laura Howard said...

Did I just read that someone's writing advice was to sit on the toilet? Wow, I never thought of THAT! I liked Lola's writing... might be time for that... chin up!

Candyland said...

I'm in the same place and I'm too easily distrac--SUQIRREL!

Unknown said...

Maybe your muse needs to be fed. Have you tried reading for enjoyment to replenish your muse? It usually helps me when I am stuck.

Good luck!

Golden Eagle said...

I hope your spell of writer's block passes soon!

For me, doing something that doesn't take a lot of thinking helps me get through it.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Ah, writer's block. Ain't it the best.
This is the best piece of advice I've ever heard: Writers block is NOT the inability to write. It's the inability to enjoy what you're writing. Material forced through the block is often just as good as when you feel inspired. So the best advice? Write through it. Even if you hate every word you put down.

Jeffe Kennedy said...

I agree with a lot of commenters - write anyway. Something. Anything. Even if you just babble on about how it feels not to be writing. Do it for 15 minutes. Then have a break and do it again.

The Words Crafter said...

Take writing off your schedule. Listen to some music, watch a movie...and if an idea comes, jot it down, but don't write yet.....make it WANT to come out.

Good luck!

Jolene Perry said...

I do the same thing when writing slows down. Enjoy the gym.

Erin Kane Spock said...

I'm working on a scene right now that is so clearly in my mind that it must get out. That sort of clarity/flash of genius/whatever doesn't always happen.
Sometimes I just write dialogue between characters without any scene setting or description, just straight talk. It's always with the understanding that I won't use it, but there have been times when it turned into something good.
Good luck.
Good for you for going ot the gym. :)

LTM said...

I bet going to the gym helps. That always works for me--showering, working out, anything distracting-relaxing.

Here's hoping for new inspiration for you~ :o) <3

Jules said...

Oh the heck with the gym... bake me some cupcakes. Paint little faces on them and then have them start a conversation. Talking cupcakes, dudette :)

Hope that helped!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Anonymous said...

I just don't worry about such times anymore. In the past when this happened I would tell my (deceased) dear friend that I couldn't write anymore (this was usually during a stressful time) and she would just laugh. I resurrect that laugh now at such times!! I laugh and get away from the computer and do something physical--even resort to baking a cake (a carrot/tofu cake that my daughter and I both love).

This too shall pass.... Take care!!

Jemi Fraser said...

Those can be frustrating times - my frustrations come mostly from not having the time to write. Hope the gym helps you out!! :)

Kari Marie said...

Oh I know the feeling. Take a break from the whole thing. Seriously. Do it.

Then, start slow. Freewrite or write down a cherished memory from childhood. Journal about whatever comes to mind and take it one step at a time.

Pretty soon, you'll be drowning in them.

Theresa Milstein said...

My writing waxes and wanes too.

Maybe this quote will help:

“The main thing is to WRITE. Some days it might be 2000 words. Some days you might tinker with two sentences until you get them just right. Both days belong in the writing life. Some days you may watch a ‘Doctor Who’ marathon or become immersed in a book that is so good you can’t stop reading. Some days you may be in love or in mourning. Those days belong in the writing life, too. Live them without guilt.” LK Madigan

Anthony Duce said...

Sometimes I do the same thing. Sometimes the doodles are enough. It all comes around… It’s all working away inside, for a while. It will burst, all at once.

Rachael Harrie said...

Ugh, I hope things get better for you soon. I have phases where I have writers' block (well, revision block at the moment), and others where I churn it out. Wish it was the latter right now!!!



Anonymous said...

I have the opposite problem, I'd kill for more writing time or energy once I have the time. March break means eldest is hogging the computer or wants to play and pupppy and 2 yr old are toliet training!

You are being so good going to the gym, a writing break will do no harm. *Imustdosomeexercisesoon*

nutschell said...

Hello fellow A-Zer!
Maybe your writing muse wants a little break. :)Sometimes when I'm blocked I like to go people-watching. Going to a crowded place and observing differnt people pass by gives me story ideas for some reason.:)

Jai Joshi said...

Sometimes we just need a break. Go do some exercise or take a bubble bath or eat something different. Rejuvenate yourself and soon enough your mind will be ready to write again.


Denise Covey said...

As that gorgeous Van Morrison song says: 'My Mama told me there'd be days like this...' When this happens I just go read a book, go for a walk, forget about writing, then come back inspired. I don't adhere to the philosophy that says to sit staring at the screen and force it. The subconscious is a clever thing...


Roland Yeomans Blog Tour here Saturday and Sunday. Follow The Bear with Two Shadows!

Regina said...

Hopefully each drop of sweat brought a new creative idea for you to write about and if it didn't then it's still okay. It will come to you in time. Your muse just checked out and will be back momentarily.

Muses are funny little creatures...imps...whispers, I don't really know how to reference them. I just know that mine is always whispering in my ear. Telling me secrets. Yours will be back. Trust me. It will want some attention soon!

Unknown said...

Where in the outskirts of Atlanta are you? My best friend lives in Cobb County,

Lauri said...

I see you are from the outskirts of Atlanta. I grew up in Lithonia. As for writing, try to find something that inspires you - gardening, an antique store, the farmer's market, a fabric store, a walk in a historic area, cleaning off your desk, reading a favorite book, making a new recipe.

Talli Roland said...

Oh, I'm sorry - that sucks! Getting out and about and getting fresh air away from the computer is definitely the best thing to do.

Danette said...

Looks like you've gotten a lot of advice and support. I don't have any advice as I've been feeling the same way the past few days... My darling Mo calls it the March doldrums and maybe he's right. Or spring fever. Whatever- hopefully it will pass!