"Vignette" is a word that originally meant "something that may be written on a vine-leaf." It’s a snapshot in words. It differs from flash fiction or a short story in that its aim does not lie within the realms of traditional structure or plot. The vignette focuses on one element, mood, character, setting or object. It's descriptive, excellent for character or theme exploration and wordplay. Through a vignette, you create an atmosphere.
The Best of Vine Leaves Literary Journal 2012 is a book of brief offerings that pack powerful punches, perfect for everyone on your holiday gift list. (Available at Amazon.com by the end of this week.) Here's where you can find this gem of a collection today:
To order directly from eMergent Publishing, click here.
Important Vine Leaves Literary Magazine and eMergent Publishing links:
Vine Leaves Literary Journal: http://www. vineleavesliteraryjournal.com/
VL Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook. com/vineleaves.literaryjournal
VL on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ VineLeavesLJ
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