Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm over "there" today...

Today, I'm over guest blogging at Carolyn Abiad's Serendipity, for her new series on International Romance.

Join me there, where I share how living in Africa and France with my French husband has affected my (writing) life.  There's also a link at the bottom of my article to photos of me in Africa.

The naive girl in this photo is me in 1994, just before I jumped on a plane for what was supposed to be a two-year stint in the Peace Corps.  I didn't make it home for almost nine years!  (Notice my army duffel bags?  I heard everybody would pack their stuff in these types of bags, so I painted happy flowers on mine.  It was a good call.  About 35 out of 45 of us that went over together had army duffel bags.  I never had to search in airports through mountains of drab olive to find my bags!)

See you over at Carolyn's!


Tonya said...

Loved your guest post and loved the pictures! ...especially the last one of the two of you hugging. It makes it so much more fun because I know you IRL! Have a great day!


Carolyn V. said...

The guest blog was so great Nicole! I loved the story and it was fun to get to know you a little better! =D

Sarah Ahiers said...

Look at you! Your hair's so dark!
And painting the flowers is a GENIUS move!

Carolyn Abiad said...

Your story is so interesting! Thank you for sharing it on my site. :) ((hugs))

Matthew MacNish said...

You have such an amazing life!

LTM said...

just went by and commented. I love love love your story. Now I'm waiting for you to write the non-missionary Poisonwood Bible... :D <3

Elana Johnson said...

You were gone for NINE YEARS and you only took 3 bags with you? I am in awe. :)

Unknown said...

Totally stopping by!

Jessica Bell said...

I tan out of time yesterday. On my way now! :)